Academic and working experiences

I was involved in the Shape from Motion Project: 3D Modelling by Analogic Video Input Data for the Reconstruction of Archaeological Sites, developed in the VIS.I.T laboratory of the Supercomputing Center CINECA (Casalecchio, BO, Italy) in 1997, sponsored by the AIACE Association.

I contributed to the International Summer School "Fuzzy Logic Control: Advances in Methodology", held in Ferrara (Italy) on July 16 - 20, 1998.

From the beginning of 1997 I have been involved in research programs within the Automatic Controls & Robotics research group of the Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università di Ferrara (Dr. Ing. Prof. Sergio Beghelli and Dr. Ing. Cesare Fantuzzi). My main research interests are in the design and development of automatic fault detection and isolation procedures regarding linear dynamic systems (industrial processes and power plants), modeling and identification of linear and non-linear dynamic models, fuzzy modeling and control of linear and non-linear algebraic and dynamic systems.

From January 1999 I am collaborating on a joint work with ATSOM Ltd. (UK), The University of Hull (UK) and The University of Strathclyde (UK). Main tasks of the project consist in actuator, component and sensor FDI concerning a model of a single-shaft industrial gas turbine. Because of such a project, I am currently working with Prof. Ron J. Patton in the Control Systems Engineering Laboratory of Faculty of Mathematics & Engineering at The University of Hull (UK).

In August 30, 1999 I attended the Tutorial Workshop "Knowledge-Based Fault Detection and Diagnosis Systems" within the ECC'99, held in Karlsruhe (Germany) and organised by EUCA and IFAC.

In September 8-11, 1999 I attended the "Iterative Identification and Control Design" International School (An ESF course), held in Valencia (Spain) and organised by DISA and CEA-IFAC.

From March to June, 2000 I worked as Part Time Lecturer at Department of Engineering of the University of Ferrara (Italy).

From June to September, 2000, I joined an Electronics & Mechanics Collaborative Project at Department of Engineering of the University of Ferrara.

From September to December, 2000, I obtained a Postdoctoral Position on Quantitative and Soft Computing Methods for Fault Diagnosis in the "EC RTN DAMADICS" at the Faculty of Mathematics & Engineering at The University of Hull (UK).

From March to June, 2001 I worked as Part Time Lecturer at the "CFP CESTA". CENTRO FORMAZIONE PROFESSIONALE CESTA - COPPARO (FERRARA, Italy).

I am currently collaborating with Department of Engineering at the University of Ferrara and working on several national and international projects regarding the field of fault detection and diagnosis in dynamic systems, dynamic system identification, fuzzy logic, neural networks and nonlinear system identification for fault diagnosis (hybrid systems).

I have the following skills in the computer science field:

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